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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Improve SEO Rankings: Tools & Tips

There’s almost endless list of queries when it comes to executing an effective search engine optimisation campaign for your brand or business. Isn’t pay-per-click marketing more effective? Doesn’t my social media presence promote my business for me? What even is SEO?

While PPC campaigns do tend to offer more instant results, search engine optimisation is more focus on the long-term. Your social media presence isn’t enough, no matter what you’ve been lead to believe and SEO, well, that’s a long story. The shortened version? Getting traffic to your website, without paying for them to get there. How do you do that? Why don’t you read on…

Page Speed

A case study research carried out by HubSpot recently reported that if your website takes longer than three seconds to load, you could be losing a significant amount of your traffic. As page load speed is an important factor to improve SEO rankings, you need to ensure it’s fully optimised for user experience. Problem factors can include your page host, particular browsers not performing well, too many images or ads, or even external embedded media. These can be easily remedied by hosting on your servers, utilising PNG images, and ensuring your HTML/CSS isn’t too dense. To test your page load speed, a simple and free tool is Google’s very own PageSpeed Insights.



To improve your discoverability, we suggest looking into utilising the Google Search Console. This can help speed up the indexing process when you’ve written a new blog or article, or even just adjusted some of your web content. The most important factor to improve SEO rankings, however, is to ensure that your content is relevant. What you publish needs to be new (not taken from elsewhere), credible (use backlinks) and of good quality (no spelling errors, etc). Beyond that, you still have to incorporate your keywords, a meta description and title tag.

improve seo rankings


Continuing on the point above, it’s important to include graphics and media on your website to increase user engagement. Instead of just a wall of text, visitors will be welcomed to a more aesthetically pleasing result. When incorporating images into your website, ensure that they are original and relevant to the page. Alternatively, you can use royalty-free, stock images though these may be overused and not always the most applicable option. TinyPNG is a great resource that compresses and reduces the file size of your PNG file, making them more suitable for your website.

Search engine optimisation is one of the leading techniques in all marketing campaign efforts. With free tools and resources, along with the helping hand of a professional, you could be well on your way to landing that number one spot on search engine results pages such as Google. As an indispensable strategy that is constantly evolving, it’s imperative you keep up-to-date on the best tactics to improve SEO rankings for all your brands or web pages (who says you should only get one spot on the first page?)

For more information, get in touch with our digital marketing experts today on 1300 859 600!